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Coronavirus, Corona virüs, SARS-CoV , MERS – CoV Forum | Sosyallift©
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What is Corona Virus?

Corona (Corona) virus is a large group of viruses that are common among animals. In rare cases, what scientists call zoonotic, that is, they can be transmitted from animals to humans.

Coronaviruses (Cov) are a family of viruses that cause more serious illnesses from the common cold, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS - CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS-CoV). As a result of extensive researches, it has been revealed that SARS-CoV is infected by musk cats and MERS-CoV by single humped camels. There are many coronaviruses (coronaviruses) that have not yet been transmitted to humans, but are detected in animals.

Subtypes of coronaviruses circulating in humans (HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-NL63 and HKU1-CoV) are mostly viruses that cause colds. SARS-CoV emerged as a previously unknown virus in 2003 as the first international health emergency of the 21st century, causing hundreds of people to die. About 10 years later, MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) from the Coronavirus (coronavirus) family, which has not been previously shown in humans or animals, was first identified in humans in Saudi Arabia in September 2012; however, it was later revealed that the first cases were actually seen in a hospital in Zarqa, Jordan in April 2012. On December 31, 2019, WHO China Country Office reported pneumonia cases of unknown etiology in Wuhan, China, Hubei province. On January 7, 2020, the causative agent was identified as the new Coronavirus (coronavirus) (2019-nCoV), which has not previously been detected in humans. Later, the name of 2019-nCoV disease was accepted as COVID-19.

What are Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) Virus Symptoms and Types?Viruses associated with this group of viruses can make people with mild to moderate upper respiratory diseases, often similar to the common cold. Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) virus symptoms include runny nose, cough, sore throat, possible headache, and sometimes a few days of fever. For the elderly and very young, with a weakened immune system, the virus can cause much more serious respiratory disease, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. There are very few Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) viruses that can be deadly in humans. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, also known as the MERS virus, which causes respiratory problems, was first detected in the Middle East in 2012. According to the information given by the Disease Control Centers, three quarters of every 10 patients infected with MERS, whose symptoms are much more severe, died.

How Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) Virus Is Transmitted?Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) viruses can spread from human contact with animals. According to the World Health Organization, MERS is thought to have spread among camels, and SARS among musk cats. The transmission of Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) viruses from person to person is usually possible when a healthy person comes into contact with the body secretions of an infected person.

What are the Clinical Features of Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) Virus?Common symptoms of infection are respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In more serious cases, pneumonia, severe acute respiratory infection, kidney failure, and even death may occur. However, in line with the available data, it is not possible to comment on the severity of the disease.
What are Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) Virus Treatment Methods?There is no special treatment method.

What can be done for Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) antivirus?There is no vaccine yet available to protect against the Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) virus family. The trial process for the MERS vaccine is ongoing. Simple measures to protect will be very useful.
World Health Organization,*Avoiding close contact with infected people,*Paying attention to hand hygiene, washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; In the absence of soap and water, using alcohol-based hand antiseptics; be sure to wash hands, especially after directly contacting sick people or their surroundings,*Avoiding unprotected contact with farm or wild animals,If you are infected, keeping the distance, closing the mouth and nose with a disposable tissue paper while coughing and sneezing; in the absence of tissue paper, using the elbow inside, washing the hands; avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth,*Disinfection of surfaces touched by infected people,*Thorough cooking of animal foods such as meat and eggs,*He stated that it is important not to enter the crowded places if possible, to close the mouth and nose if it is necessary, and to use a medical mask if possible.

Medical Branches Related to Corona / Covid-19 (Coronavirus)Infectious DiseasesInternal Diseases (Internal Medicine)Chest DiseasesChild Health and Diseases


Frequently Asked Questions About Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) Virus

What is Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) Virus?

Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) viruses are a large family of viruses that can cause a wide range of outbreaks, from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS), Severe acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

What is Novel Coronavirus / Covid-19 (Coronavirus)?

Novel Coronavirus (CoV) is a new type of Corona / Covid-19 (Corona) virus that has not been previously identified in humans.

Can Novel Coronavirus (Coronavirus) Transmit From Animals to Humans?

Detailed studies show that SARS-CoV was transmitted to people from musk cats in China in 2002 and MERS-CoV to people from camels in Saudi Arabia. There are also known coronaviruses that are not transmitted to humans. Worldwide research on the virus family is ongoing.

Is there a vaccine for Novel Coronavirus / Covid-19 (Coronavirus)?

There is no vaccine yet for the treatment of NovelCoronavirus / Covid-19 (Coronavirus).



koronaonlem.saglik.gov.tr adresli sitede yöneltilen sorulara göre verilen cevaplar değerlendiriliyor ve “Beyan ettiğiniz bilgiler doğrultusunda koronavirüs ile karşılaşmış olma ihtimaliniz düşüktür” ya da “Beyan ettiğiniz bilgiler doğrultusunda sağlık durumunuzun yakından değerlendirilmesi için lütfen maskenizi takarak en yakın sağlık kuruluşuna başvurunuz” uyarısında bulunuluyor.

Sitede, "Sonuçlar sadece öneri niteliği taşımaktadır ve nihai bir sonuç/kesinlik içermemektedir, tavsiye niteliğindedir" uyarısı da bulunuyor.

TC kimlik numarasıyla girilen girilen sitede yoğunluğu önlemek için bir vatandaşın bir günde en fazla beş başvuru yapma hakkı bulunuyor.

Online corona virüsü testinde sorulan sorular şöyle:

SORU: Son 14 gün içinde en uzun bulunduğunuz şehir

SORU: Sağlık sektöründe çalışan birisi misiniz? (doktor, hemşire, sağlık teknisyeni vb.):

1- Evet 2- Hayır

SORU: Hastalıklardan sizde olan varsa işaretleyiniz

1- Kronik akciğer hastalığı
2- Diyabet (şeker) hastalığı
3- Yüksek tansiyon (hipertansiyon)
4- Kronik karaciğer hastalığı
5- Kronik böbrek hastalığı
6- Kronik kalp rahatsızlığı
7- Genetik rahatsızlık
8- Düzenli romatizma ilacı veya ağrı kesici alıyorum
9- Kan kanseri (hematolojik kanser)
10- Diğer kanser türleri (solid kanser)
11- Kemoterapi görüyorum
12- Bağışıklık sistemi bozukluğu
13- Kortizon tedavisi alıyorum

SORU: Son 14 gün içerisinde seyahat ettiğiniz ülke varsa listeden seçiniz. (Birden fazla seçebilirsiniz, yok ise lütfen boş bırakınız)

SORU: Son 14 gün içerisinde herhangi bir sağlık merkezinde bulundunuz mu?

1- Evet 2- Hayır

SORU: Son 14 gün içerisinde solunum yolu hastalığı (nezle,grip, zatürre vb.) olan birisi ile temasınız oldu mu?

1- Evet 2- Hayır

SORU: Aşağıdaki semptomlardan hangisi sizde mevcutta bulunmaktadır?

1- Ateşim 38.0 derece altındadır. / Ateşim yok
2- Yüksek ateş (38.0 ile 38.5 arası)
3- Yüksek ateş (38.5 üzerinde)
4- Yeni başlayan öksürük
5- Yeni başlayan nefes darlığı (Normalden hızlı nefes alıp vermek, aldığınız nefesin yetmemesi, rahat çıkılan merdivenleri çıkamamak)
6- Yeni başlayan boğaz ağrısı
7- Yeni başlayan baş ağrısı
8- Yeni başlayan göğüs sıkışması
9- Yeni başlayan burun akıntısı
10- Yeni başlayan vücut ağrıları (kas/eklem ağrısı)
11- Yeni başlayan halsizlik (Son bir hafta)
12- Yeni başlayan ishal, mide bulantınız veya kusma durumunuz var mı?

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