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Huang Xiaoming - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Qingdao, Shandong Province, China
Doğum günü 1977-11-13
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Хуан Сяо Мин
Huang Xiao Ming
Хуан Сяомин
Wong Hiu-Ming
Xiaoming Huang
Huỳnh Hiểu Minh


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A Chinese actor, singer, and model. He graduated from the Performance Institute of the Beijing Film Academy in 2000. Huang first rose to prominence in 2001 for playing Emperor Wu of Han in the television series The Prince of Han Dynasty. In 2007, Huang signed a contract with Huayi Brothers and began focusing on his film career, appearing in films like The Sniper (2009), The Message (2010), and Sacrifice (2010). Courtesy Wikipedia®


2024戴假发的人 as Meng Zhong
2024志愿军:存亡之战 as Jiang Chao
2024阳光俱乐部 as Wu You
2023志愿军:雄兵出击 as Jiang Chao
2023最后的真相 as Ding Yifeng
2022平凡英雄 as Xie Huiyang (谢辉阳)
2022四海 as Showta
2021疯狂的拳头 as Huang sir
2020Sekiz Yüz as Messenger
2019Ateş Kahramanları as Jiang Liwei
2018Kaçış Planı 2: Hades as Shu Ren
2018无问西东 as Chen Peng
2017奇门遁甲 as Huang Chang
2017功守道 as Policeman Ming
2016偷天特務 as Louis Huo
2016Tanrılar Birliği as Yang Jian
2016大唐玄奘 as Xuan Zang
2015新娘大作战 as Groom in the opening
2015太平轮(下):彼岸 as Lei Yifang
2015横冲直撞好莱坞 as Jim (Xiaoming)
2015何以笙箫默 as He Yi Chen
2014Geçit as Lei Yifang
2014撒嬌女人最好命 as Xiao Gong
2014暴瘋語 as Chow Ming Kit
2014白发魔女传之明月天国 as Zhuo Yihang
2013神奇 as Bing Shan
2013一场风花雪月的事 as Xue Yu
2013瑪德2號 as Xiao Tie
2013Öfkeli Polisler as Man in Black
2013Amerikan Rüyası as 成冬青
2012Son Kodaman as Cheng Daqi (young)
2012血滴子 as Tianlang / Wolf
2012匹夫 as Fang
2012春嬌與志明 as Ben
2010Kurban as Jue Han
2010龍鳳店 as Tang Bo Hu
2010唐伯虎點秋香2之四大才子 as Tang Bohu
2010Ip Man 2 as Wong Leung
2009Feng sheng as Takeda / Wutian
2009建国大业 as Li Yingiao
2009Keskin Nişancı as Lincoln
2008爱情呼叫转移Ⅱ:爱情左右 as Traffic Policeman
2006Şölen as General Yin Sun
2006阿宝的故事 as 警察
2005龙威父子 as Ki Fung
即兴谋杀 as 罗医生

Diğer Roller

2024解密 - Presenter
2024阳光俱乐部 - Presenter
2024银河写手 - Presenter
2023最后的真相 - Executive Producer
2018Uzun Bir Günden Geceye Yolculuk - Presenter
2018Uzun Bir Günden Geceye Yolculuk - Producer
2016微微一笑很傾城 - Executive Producer
2016微微一笑很傾城 - Producer


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