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Satoru Chûko - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Doğum günü 1912-02-10
Ölüm 1994-08-06


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Diğer Roller

1977Godzilla - Art Direction
1977Godzilla - Production Design
1972紙芝居昭和史 黄金バットがやって来る - Production Design
1971父ちゃんのポーが聞える - Art Direction
1967乱れ雲 - Production Design
1966ひき逃げ - Art Direction
1966女の中にいる他人 - Production Design
1965悪の階段 - Art Direction
1964乱れる - Production Design
1963女の歴史 - Art Direction
1962放浪記 - Production Design
1962女の座 - Art Direction
1961妻として女として - Art Direction
1961名もなく貧しく美しく - Production Design
1960娘・妻・母 - Production Design
1960山のかなたに - Art Direction
1960Basamaklarda Bir Kadın - Production Design
1959コタンの口笛 - Production Design
1958鰯雲 - Production Design
1958杏っ子 - Production Design
1957続々大番 怒濤篇 - Production Design
1957下町 - Production Design
1957続大番・風雲篇 - Production Design
1957Godzilla, le Monstre de L'Océan Pacifique - Art Direction
1957Godzilla, le Monstre de L'Océan Pacifique - Production Design
1957大番 - Production Design
1956流れる - Production Design
1956鬼火 - Production Design
1956Godzilla, King of the Monsters! - Art Direction
1956Godzilla, King of the Monsters! - Production Design
1956妻の心 - Production Design
1956驟雨 - Art Direction
1955くちづけ - Art Direction
1955浮雲 - Production Design
1954Godzilla - Art Direction
1954Godzilla - Production Design
1954晩菊 - Production Design
1954Dağın Sesi - Production Design
1953白魚 - Production Design
1953 - Production Design
1953次郎長三国志 第二部 次郎長初旅 - Art Direction
1952次郎長三国志 第一部 次郎長売出す - Art Direction
1952恐妻時代 - Art Direction
1952四十八人目の男 - Art Direction
1952お國と五平 - Art Direction
1951めし - Art Direction
1951舞姫 - Art Direction
1951泣きぬれた人形 - Art Direction
1951中山安兵衛 - Art Direction
1950天保水滸伝 大利根の夜霧 - Director of Photography
1950山のかなたに - Art Direction
1950暁の追跡 - Art Direction
1950白昼の決闘 - Art Direction
1950石中先生行状記 - Art Direction
1949銭形平次捕物控 平次八百八町 - Art Direction
1944雷撃隊出動 - Production Design
1944芝居道 - Production Design
1943愛の世界 山猫とみの話 - Art Direction
1942待って居た男 - Production Design
1941長谷川・ロッパの 家光と彦左 - Settings
1940嫁ぐ日まで - Settings
1939まごころ - Production Design
1937美しき鷹 - Production Design


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