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Andrés Crespo - profili | Sosyallift©

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Andrés Crespo Arosemena is an Ecuadorian actor, director, writer and broadcaster. He is known for "Pescador" (2011), "Sin muertos no hay carnaval" (2016) and "Narcos" (2015).


2022El Rezador as Antanacio Di Felice
2018Ruta Viva as Ernesto
2016Translúcido as Raúl
2016Sin muertos no hay carnaval
2016Enchufe sin visa as Jefe Wall Street
2014Ochentaisiete as Papá de Juan
2013El Facilitador as Zambrano
2013Rómpete una pata
2013Sin otoño, sin primavera as Juez Neira
2012Mejor no hablar (de ciertas cosas) as Lagarto
2011Pescador as Blanquito
2010Más allá del mall as Miguel Alvear
2010Prometeo Deportado as Angel

Diğer Roller

2016Sin muertos no hay carnaval - Casting
2016Sin muertos no hay carnaval - Screenplay
2010Más allá del mall - Researcher


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