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B. C. Sewell - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Lowestoft, Suffolk, England, UK
Doğum günü 1910-11-10
Ölüm 2002-10-01
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Brian Constantine Sewell
Brian C. Sewell
Brian Sewell
B.C. Sewell


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Diğer Roller

1949Christopher Columbus - Sound Director
1949Don't Ever Leave Me - Sound Director
1949Marry Me - Sound Director
1949The Bad Lord Byron - Sound Director
1949Helter Skelter - Sound Director
1948XIVth Olympiad: The Glory of Sport - Sound Director
1948The Blind Goddess - Sound Director
1948My Brother's Keeper - Sound
1948The Calendar - Sound Director
1948Broken Journey - Sound
1948Miranda - Sound Director
1947Dear Murderer - Sound Supervisor
1947The Brothers - Sound Supervisor
1946Beware of Pity - Sound Supervisor
1946Caravan - Sound Supervisor
1945The Rake's Progress - Sound Director
1944Love Story - Sound Supervisor
1944Two Thousand Women - Sound Supervisor
1944Give Us the Moon - Sound Supervisor
1944Fanny by Gaslight - Sound Supervisor
1944Time Flies - Sound Supervisor
1943The Man in Grey - Sound Supervisor
1942The Young Mr. Pitt - Sound Director
1942Uncensored - Sound Supervisor
1942Back-Room Boy - Sound Supervisor
1940Night Train to Munich - Sound Supervisor
1940Girl in the News - Sound Supervisor
1933Going Gay - Sound Recordist


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