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Ramses Shaffy - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Neuilly sur Seine, France
Doğum günü 1933-08-29
Ölüm 2009-12-01


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Ramses Shaffy (1933–2009) was a Dutch actor and singer. Born near Paris, his Egyptian diplomat father and Polish noble mother separated before he was born and he was adopted by a Dutch family at a young age. He became popular during the 1960s and made a theatre comeback from alcoholism in the early 1990s, playing Don Quichotte in the musical The Man of la Mancha. His most famous songs include Zing, vecht, huil, bid, lach, werk en bewonder (Sing, fight, cry, pray, laugh, work and admire), We zullen doorgaan (We will go on), and Laat me (Leave me be). His website describes Shaffy as ‘a Dutch-Franco-Polish-Russian-Egyptian mixture of Tom Waits and Frank Sinatra’.


1999Nachtvlinder as Walko van Haland
1994De nietsnut as Richard Kesselaar
1991Dierbaar as Psychiater
1987Nitwits as Joel Palsma
1986Op Hoop van Zegen as Simon
1983Allemaal rebellen
1979Cha Cha
1975Kind van de zon as Gerrit
1967De verloedering van de Swieps
1960De zaak M.P. as Karel Vos

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2023Wacht maar af - Music


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