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Nermin Maher - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Egypt
Doğum günü 1984-10-09
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir نرمين ماهر


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Nirmeen Maher is an Egyptian actress. She started her career as a model in television advertisements and music videos, until she debuted on film in Adel Imam's comedy “El Sefara fel Emara” (The Embassy in The Block) in 2005. She also co-starred in the comedy film “Dars Khosusy” (Private Lesson) in the same year, and “El Eyal Herbet” (The Children Have Escaped) in the year after. Among her other notable film roles are “El Zamahlaweya”, “Qoblat Masruqa” (Stolen Kisses) and the television series “Dawaran Shubra” (Shubra Square).


2020الحوت الأزرق
2019إنت إيه
2019انت حبيبي وبس as دودو
2019خسسني شكراً
2018الخروج عن النص
2017حليمو أسطورة الشواطئ as حبيبه
2017عمارة رشدي
2017الجولة الأخيرة
2017أمان يا صاحبي as Bahira
2017هروب مفاجئ as زينة الطحان
2017يجعلو عامر as تُقى
201630 يوم في العز as توحيدة
2016أوشن 14 as سونسون
2015عيال حريفة as سهر
2014ظرف صحي
2014واحد صعيدي
2011يا أنا يا هوه
2008قبلات مسروقة
2008البلد دي فيها حكومة
2006العيال هربت
2005درس خصوصي
2005السفارة في العمارة
1999بودي جارد


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