1962 | 義士始末記 - Cinematography |
1961 | 妻あり子あり友ありて - Cinematography |
1961 | 大阪野郎 - Cinematography |
1961 | 新二等兵物語 めでたく凱旋の巻 - Director of Photography |
1960 | 敵は本能寺にあり - Director of Photography |
1958 | 太閤記 - Director of Photography |
1957 | 大忠臣蔵 - Director of Photography |
1957 | 顔 - Director of Photography |
1956 | 流轉 - Cinematography |
1956 | 大当り男一代 - Cinematography |
1955 | 絵島生島 - Cinematography |
1955 | 喧嘩奴 - Cinematography |
1954 | 七変化狸御殿 - Director of Photography |
1954 | 素浪人日和 - Cinematography |
1954 | 濡れ髪権八 - Cinematography |
1954 | お役者変化 - Cinematography |
1953 | 花の生涯 彦根篇 江戸篇 - Cinematography |
1953 | 勝海舟より あばれ獅子 - Cinematography |
1953 | 獅子の座 - Director of Photography |
1953 | 江戸いろは祭 - Cinematography |
1952 | 柳生の兄弟 - Cinematography |
1952 | 魔像 - Director of Photography |
1952 | 治郎吉格子 - Cinematography |
1951 | 大江戸五人男 - Cinematography |
1951 | おぼろ駕籠 - Cinematography |
1950 | レ・ミゼラブル あゝ無情 第二部 愛と自由の旗 - Director of Photography |
1950 | レ・ミゼラブル あゝ無情 第一部 神と悪魔 - Director of Photography |
1950 | われ幻の魚見たり - Director of Photography |
1949 | 透明人間現わる - Director of Photography |
1949 | 最後に笑う男 - Cinematography |
1948 | 三十三の足跡 - Cinematography |
1948 | 王将 - Director of Photography |
1948 | 二十一の指紋 - Cinematography |
1947 | 三本指の男 - Director of Photography |
1947 | 十三の眼 - Cinematography |
1946 | 七つの顔 - Cinematography |
1945 | 狐の呉れた赤ん坊 - Cinematography |
1942 | 獨眼龍政宗 - Director of Photography |
1941 | 江戸最後の日 - Cinematography |
1941 | 海を渡る祭礼 - Director of Photography |
1939 | 海援隊 - Cinematography |
1938 | 弥次喜多道中記 - Cinematography |
1937 | 自来也 - Cinematography |
1937 | 血煙高田の馬場 - Cinematography |
1935 | 戦国奇譚 気まぐれ冠者 - Director of Photography |
1934 | 雁太郎街道 - Cinematography |
1934 | 武道大鑑 - Cinematography |
1932 | 白夜の饗宴 - Director of Photography |
1932 | 国士無双 - Cinematography |
1931 | 花火 - Director of Photography |
1931 | 瞼の母 - Director of Photography |
1929 | 宮本武蔵 - Director of Photography |
1928 | 放浪三昧 - Cinematography |
1928 | 天下太平記 - Director of Photography |