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Jean-Pierre Joutel - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri


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Diğer Roller

1995The Voyage of the St. Louis - Sound
1995Maya'ların Sırrı - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1994L'arche de verre - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1994Quand l'amour est gai - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1994Taking Stock - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1993La Femme mariée à trois Hommes - Mixing Engineer
1993Expectations - Sound Mixer
1992Forbidden Love: The Unashamed Stories of Lesbian Lives - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1992Full Circle - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1991Blackfly - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1991Entre deux soeurs - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1991Un homme de Parole - Sound
1991Mother Earth - Sound Mixer
1991Le patro Le Prévost - 80 Years Later - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1991Sabina - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1990The Burning Times - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1989Justice Denied - Sound
1989Robichaud - Sound Mixer
1989Goddess Remembered - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1988Liberty Street Blues - Sound Editor
1988A Song for Quebec - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1988A Nice Day in the Country - Sound Recordist
1987En quête d'un pays - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1987To a Safer Place - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1986Bam Pay A! – Rends-moi mon pays! - Sound Mixer
1986Amerikan imparatorluğunun çöküşü - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1986Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief - Sound Recordist
198590 Days - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1985Discussions in Bioethics: A Chronic Problem - Recording Supervision
1985Shipbuilder - Sound
1984Abortion: Stories from North and South - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1984Behind the Veil: Nuns - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1984Paradise - Sound Mixer
1984The Vinland Mystery - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1983Narcissus - Sound Mixer
1983Flamenco at 5:15 - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1982La bête lumineuse - Recording Supervision
1982If You Love This Planet - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1982Ted Baryluk's Grocery - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1982Jouer sa vie - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1982Vol De Rêve - Sound
1981Dief! - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1981Kate and Anna McGarrigle - Sound Recordist
1980Le chandail - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1980Cordélia - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1980Le canot à Renald à Thomas - Sound Mixer
1978L'âge de Chaise - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1978Les Gossipeuses - Sound
1978Song of the Paddle - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1978Une journée à Forillon - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
197826 fois de suite! - Sound Recordist
197720 Years Later - Sound
1977J.A. Martin photographe - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1977One Man - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1976Blanche et Claire - Sound Mixer
1976Le Retour à la terre - Sound Mixer
1975The Brothers Byrne - Recording Supervision
1975Earthware - Sound
1975Boo Hoo - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1975My Friends Call Me Tony - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1975My Name Is Susan Yee - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1975Our Dear Sisters - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1974King of the Hill - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1974À votre santé - Sound Mixer
1974Tiger on a Tight Leash - Sound
1974Freshwater World - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1974The Islanders - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1974The Light Fantastick - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1974This Riel Business - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1973Grierson - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1973Du coq à l'âne - Sound Mixer
1973Du coq à l'âne - Sound Recordist
1973Backyard Theatre - Sound
1973Horsing Around - Sound
1973The Sunny Munchy Crunchy Natural Food Shop - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1973Tickets s.v.p - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1972Air! - Sound Mixer
1972Le reel du pendu - Sound Mixer
1972Air! - Sound Recordist
1971Anger After Death - Sound Editor
1971Death of a Legend - Sound Recordist
1971Les mâles - Sound Mixer
1970Act of the Heart - Sound Editor
1969The 80 Goes to Sparta - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1969You Are on Indian Land - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
1966Stravinsky - Sound Editor
1964Nobody Waved Goodbye - Sound Editor
1964The Hutterites - Sound Editor
1963Trans-Canada Journey - Sound Editor
1961Robert Baldwin: A Matter Of Principle - Sound Editor
Downhill - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Las quimeras del diablo - Sound Re-Recording Mixer


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