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Andri Cung - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum günü 1982-05-29


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Andri Cung is an Indonesian film director. He directed short films such as Red Umbrella (2010) and Merindu Mantan (2012). Andri recently directed a feature film, Kenapa Harus Bule? (2018).


2021Aşksız Dünya as Ginekolog

Diğer Roller

2018Kenapa Harus Bule? - Director
2018Kenapa Harus Bule? - Writer
2014The Sun, the Moon and the Hurricane - Director
2014The Sun, the Moon and the Hurricane - Director of Photography
2014The Sun, the Moon and the Hurricane - Producer
2014The Sun, the Moon and the Hurricane - Writer
20133Sum - Director
20133Sum - Writer
2012Merindu Mantan - Director
2011Payung merah - Director
2011Payung merah - Producer


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