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1922 | Marie Antoinette - Das Leben einer Königin - Camera Operator |
1922 | Frauenbeichte, 3. Teil - Die Beichte der Krankenschwester - Cinematography |
1921 | Frauenbeichte, 1. Teil - Die Beichte einer Ausgestossenen - Cinematography |
1921 | Das Rattenloch - Director of Photography |
1919 | Harakiri - Director of Photography |
1919 | Anders als die Andern - Director of Photography |
1919 | Peer Gynt - 1. Teil: Peer Gynts Jugend - Director of Photography |
1919 | Peer Gynt - 2. Teil: Peer Gynts Wanderjahre und Tod - Director of Photography |
1919 | Die Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen - Cinematography |
1918 | Dida Ibsens Geschichte - Director of Photography |
1918 | Es werde Licht! 4. Teil: Sündige Mütter - Director of Photography |
1918 | Colomba - Director of Photography |
1918 | Jettchen Geberts Geschichte. 1. Jettchen Gebert - Director of Photography |
1918 | Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen - Director of Photography |
1918 | Das Dreimäderlhaus - Director of Photography |
1918 | Mitternacht - Director of Photography |
1918 | Es werde Licht! 3. Teil - Director of Photography |
1918 | Rennfieber - Director of Photography |
1918 | Der ewige Zweifel - Cinematography |
1918 | Es werde Licht! 2. Teil - Director of Photography |
1918 | Der Weg ins Freie - Director of Photography |
1917 | Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray - Director of Photography |
1917 | Es werde Licht! - Director of Photography |
1917 | Nächte des Grauens - Cinematography |
1916 | Am Amboß des Glücks - Director of Photography |
1916 | Freitag, der 13. Das unheimliche Haus. 2. Teil - Director of Photography |
1916 | Der chinesische Götze. Das unheimliche Haus. 3. Teil - Director of Photography |
1916 | Das unheimliche Haus - Director of Photography |
1916 | Die Rache der Toten - Cinematography |
1916 | Seltsame Köpfe - Director of Photography |
1916 | Titanenkampf - Camera Operator |
1916 | Nebel und Sonne - Director of Photography |
1915 | Stuart Webbs: Die Toten erwachen - Cinematography |
1915 | Der gestreifte Domino - Director of Photography |
1914 | Stuart Webbs: Der Mann im Keller - Director of Photography |
1914 | Stuart Webbs: Die geheimnisvolle Villa - Director of Photography |