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Luigi Di Gianni - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Napoli, Italy
Doğum günü 1926-10-20
Ölüm 2019-05-10
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Luigi Di Gianni (born in Naples on October 20, 1926 and died in Rome on May 10, 2019) is an Italian screenwriter and director. Luigi Di Gianni believes in the power of cinema. It is this spirit, tragic and rogue, that has always possessed him. And that makes his films an experience difficult to forget in any hurry. It is an insinuating spirit, which ends up delighting and even tormenting the spectator, at first alien to her. It has multiform and unpredictable tentacles, which evade the safety of easy classification. Every time one tries to venture a definition, one has the suspicion of falling into reductionism, as if something is always missing. Starting with an inevitable question, however tedious it may seem: can we be content to speak, in his case, about documentary cinema? If asked, Di Gianni would certainly answer with a peremptory no, and for good reason. His is a decidedly authorial cinema. It is crossed by cultural and intellectual tensions that embrace literature, music, philosophy and great cinema. It is sustained by a sometimes unsatisfied desire to control rhythms, atmospheres, sounds, lights, movements… Above all, it is driven by the conviction that cinema is an expressive instrument that offers us a vision (turned black) of man and the world. And yet it is clear that few filmmakers have been able to document in such depth some of the most surprising, heartbreaking and disturbing aspects of our society, especially those rooted in the atavistic miseries of the South, as if tracing the deep folds of an Italian “anti-miracle.” Let’s take a guess. Di Gianni brings to light what elsewhere we tend to sweep under the carpet of rationality and respectability, but which, inexorably, is there underneath, applying pressure: his cinema is the documentation of social repression. Let’s follow with the thread of apparent contradictions. Di Gianni is an apolitical director, he does not believe in progress (he prefers the infinite labyrinth), he tends to be on the side of history. But, at the same time, one senses in his films a cry of rebellion, a love for the last; in short, an ethical and civil tension that is often lacking in those directors whose primary aim is to change the world. Once again: the characters in his films seem inexorably shrouded in cloaks of tragedy, and yet we are surprised, at certain moments, by the mockery of an unexpectedly grotesque twist. Armed with civic presumption, we are tempted to be indignant at manifestations that seem to plunge into the abysses of ignorance and backwardness, but at the same time, it is difficult to find filmmakers who place themselves before the world they choose to represent with more respect, avoiding the temptation to judge. And do we want to call his cinema “ethnographic”? Of course, he is one of its undisputed masters. It’s a pity that he is the first to strongly deny it, claiming instead that his films are about something else. It is not surprising that Di Gianni’s cinema is a magnificently isolated object, not only in Italy (this is unmistakably demonstrated by his only feature film, Il tempo dell’inizio, a kind of slow-motion nightmare, alien and elusive). Perhaps this is also one of the reasons for its charm, unalterable with the passage of time. The revival of his films seems to us, quite simply, necessary.

Diğer Roller

2014Lucania Persa - Ritorno a San Cataldo - Director
2013Appunti per un film su Kafka - Nella colonia penale - Director
2012Un medico di campagna - Director
2009Carlo Gesualdo. Appunti per un film - Director
2006La Madonna in cielo, la "matre" in terra - Director
2005Ailano, la tradizione - Director
1987La Milano di Achille Bertarelli - Director
1978Basilicata, una regione tra due mari - Director
1975Concerto de I Solisti di Roma, Concerti della Sera - Director
1974Il tempo dell'inizio - Director
1974Il tempo dell'inizio - Producer
1974Il tempo dell'inizio - Writer
1972Il cancelliere Krehler - Director
1971Montevergine - Director
1971La Madonna del Pollino - Director
1971Grazia e morte - Director
1971La possessione - Director
1971Dottori aeropittore futurista - Director
1971L'attaccatura - Director
1971Morte di Padre Pio - Director
1969Atto senza parole - Director
1968Il ricevimento - Director
1968Il ricevimento - Writer
1968Una malattia che si chiama Sud - Director
1968Chanukkà (Festa delle luci) - Director
1968Nascita di un culto - Director
1968L'Apparizione - Director
1968La potenza degli spiriti - Director
1968La ragazza di plastica - Director
1967Essere capo - Director
1967La tana - Director
1967Il culto delle pietre - Director
1966Incubo - Director
1966I fujenti - Director
1966Tempo di raccolta - Director
1966Il lagno - Director
1966Concerto in miniatura - Director
1966Il sogno - Director
1966Il sogno - Writer
1965Il Messia - Director
1965Viaggio in Lucania - Director
1965Il male di San Donato - Director
1965La Madonna di Pierno - Director
1964Vajont (Natale 1963) - Director
1964Un paese che frana - Director
1963L' uomo e la maschera - Director
1963I misteri di Roma - Director
1963Lotta contro i mostri - Director
1963Il Cinegiornale della pace - Director
1963Carnevale a Ronciglione - Director
1962Le rocce di Belogradčick - Director
1962Antiche città bulgare - Director
1962Il monastero di Rila - Director
1961Grazia e numeri - Director
1961Grazia e numeri - Writer
1961Ragazze dell’avanspettacolo - Director
1961L'Annunziata - Director
1961L'Annunziata - Writer
1960Via Tasso - Director
1960Frana in Lucania - Director
1960Frana in Lucania - Writer
1959La punidura - Director
1959Pericolo a Valsinni - Director
1959Pericolo a Valsinni - Writer
1959Nascita e morte nel meridione (S. Cataldo) - Director
1959Nascita e morte nel meridione (S. Cataldo) - Idea
1959Donne di Bagnara - Director
1958L' ultima faccia di Medusa - Director
1958Il gallo canta a mezzanotte - Director
1958Dal Foro Romano a Villa Medici - Director
1958Magia Lucana - Director
1956La frattura - Director
1956Altair - Second Assistant Director
1955Monumenti d’Italia Ostia Antica - Director
1954L'arresto - Director
1954L'arresto - Writer


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