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Tomoyuki Tanaka - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Osaka, Honshu, Japan
Doğum günü 1910-04-26
Ölüm 1997-04-02
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Tanaka Tomoyuki
Yuko Tanaka
Tanaka Yūkō
Hachiro Jinguji
Tomoyuka Tanaka


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Born in Osaka Prefecture, Tomoyuki Tanaka was head man at Toho Studios and one of its most prolific producers. Throughout his career he would produce the films of notable filmmakers such as Akira Kurosawa, Senkichi Taniguchi, Kon Ichikawa, and Mikio Naruse. However, he is probably best remembered as the creator of Godzilla. After graduating from the Economic Department at Kansai University, Tanaka joined Toho in 1940. In 1954 Tanaka would spearhead the original Godzilla film with director Ishiro Honda. After Godzilla's monumental success, Tanaka was instructed to "make another one". Tanaka would produce every Toho monster film up until Godzilla vs Destoroyah. Tanaka was also a heavy supporter of Toshiro Mifune, producing his films with Kurosawa as well as Mifune's own production company and sole directorial effort in Legacy of the 500,000. Tanaka would champion Godzilla's return in 1984 and be heavily involved in the series until his death in 1997. In his near 60 year career Tanaka would go on to produce over 200 films.


1986東宝特撮未使用フィルム大全集 as Self
1973日本沈没 as Government official (uncredited)

Diğer Roller

1998Godzilla - In Memory Of
1997モスラ2 海底の大決戦 - Lyricist
1997モスラ2 海底の大決戦 - Producer
1997モスラ2 海底の大決戦 - Story
1996モスラ - Lyricist
1996モスラ - Original Story
1996モスラ - Producer
1995ゴジラvsデストロイア - Executive Producer
1994ゴジラvsスペースゴジラ - Executive Producer
1993ゴジラvsメカゴジラ - Executive Producer
1992ゴジラvsモスラ - Executive Producer
1992ゴジラvsモスラ - Lyricist
1992ゴジラvsモスラ - Story
1991ゴジラvsキングギドラ - Producer
1989ゴジラvsビオランテ - Executive Producer
1989ガンヘッド - Executive Producer
1987竹取物語 - Executive Producer
1987映画女優 - Producer
1986東宝特撮未使用フィルム大全集 - Supervising Producer
1985Godzilla 1985 - Executive Producer
1985Godzilla 1985 - Story
1985Making of The Return of Godzilla - Producer
1985Making of The Return of Godzilla - Production Supervisor
1984ゴジラ - Executive Producer
1984ゴジラ - Story
1984おはん - Executive Producer
1984零戦燃ゆ - Producer
1984さよならジュピター - Executive Producer
1983細雪 - Executive Producer
1982海峡 - Producer
1981連合艦隊 - Executive Producer
1981The Last Days of Planet Earth - Executive Producer
1980地震列島 - Executive Producer
1980Gölge Savaşçı - Executive Producer
1977惑星大戦争 - Executive Producer
1977惑星大戦争 - Story
1977High Seas Hijack - Executive Producer
1977ハウス - Producer
1977八甲田山 - Producer
1977Godzilla - Producer
1977Godzilla - Story
1976大空のサムライ - Executive Producer
1976続人間革命 - Executive Producer
1975東京湾炎上 - Executive Producer
1975Tidal Wave - Executive Producer
1975メカゴジラの逆襲 - Executive Producer
1974エスパイ - Producer
1974ノストラダムスの大予言 - Executive Producer
1974ゴジラ対メカゴジラ - Producer
1973日本沈没 - Executive Producer
1973人間革命 - Producer
1973ゴジラ対メガロ - Producer
1973狼の紋章 - Executive Producer
1972地球攻撃命令 ゴジラ対ガイガン - Producer
1971Gojira Hedorah'a karşı - Executive Producer
1970ゲゾラ・ガニメ・カメーバ 決戦!南海の大怪獣 - Executive Producer
1970幽霊屋敷の恐怖 血を吸う人形 - Executive Producer
1970悪魔が呼んでいる - Executive Producer
1969ゴジラ・ミニラ・ガバラ オール怪獣大進撃 - Executive Producer
1969地獄変 - Producer
1969日本海大海戦 - Producer
1969日本海大海戦 - Production Director
1969緯度0大作戦 - Executive Producer
1969風林火山 - Producer
1968連合艦隊司令長官 山本五十六 - Producer
1968怪獣総進撃 - Producer
1968斬る - Producer
1968 - Producer
1968風来忍法帖 八方破れ - Executive Producer
1968100発100中 黄金の眼 - Executive Producer
1967怪獣島の決戦 ゴジラの息子 - Producer
1967日本のいちばん長い日 - Producer
1967キングコングの逆襲 - Executive Producer
1967上意討ち 拝領妻始末 - Producer
1967国際秘密警察 絶体絶命 - Executive Producer
1967殺人狂時代 - Executive Producer
1966ゴジラ・エビラ・モスラ 南海の大決闘 - Executive Producer
1966What's Up, Tiger Lily? - Producer
1966フランケンシュタインの怪獣 サンダ対ガイラ - Executive Producer
1966ゼロ・ファイター 大空戦 - Producer
1966怒涛一万浬 - Producer
1966奇巌城の冒険 - Executive Producer
1965怪獣大戦争 - Executive Producer
1965100発100中 - Executive Producer
1965国際秘密警察 鍵の鍵 - Executive Producer
1965血と砂 - Producer
1965フランケンシュタイン対地底怪獣 - Executive Producer
1965太平洋奇跡の作戦 キスカ - Producer
1965姿三四郎 - Producer
1965風来忍法帖 - Executive Producer
1965Kızıl Sakal - Producer
1965 - Producer
1964三大怪獣 地球最大の決戦 - Executive Producer
1964国際秘密警察 火薬の樽 - Producer
1964宇宙大怪獣ドゴラ - Executive Producer
1964士魂魔道 大龍巻 - Producer
1964血とダイヤモンド - Executive Producer
1964Mothra vs. Godzilla - Executive Producer
1964Mothra vs. Godzilla - Lyricist
1964蚁地狱作战 - Producer
1964ああ爆弾 - Producer
1964今日もわれ大空にあり - Producer
1964ジャコ萬と鉄 - Producer
1963海底軍艦 - Producer
1963のら犬作戦 - Producer
1963太陽は呼んでいる - Producer
1963国際秘密警察 指令第8号 - Executive Producer
1963秘剣 - Executive Producer
1963マタンゴ - Producer
1963独立機関銃隊未だ射撃中 - Producer
1963King Kong vs. Godzilla - Producer
1963五十万人の遺産 - Producer
1963戦国野郎 - Producer
1963Yüksek ve Alçak - Producer
1963太平洋の翼 - Producer
1963太平洋の翼 - Writer
1962暗黒街の牙 - Executive Producer
1962Varan the Unbelievable - Producer
1962忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻 - Producer
1962やま猫作戦 - Executive Producer
1962King Kong vs. Godzilla - Producer
1962どぶ鼠作戦 - Producer
1962吼えろ脱獄囚 - Producer
1962妖星ゴラス - Producer
1962Sanjuro - Producer
1961暗黒街撃滅命令 - Executive Producer
1961世界大戦争 - Producer
1961真紅の男 - Executive Producer
1961紅の海 - Executive Producer
1961モスラ - Lyricist
1961モスラ - Producer
1961Yojimbo - Executive Producer
1961顔役暁に死す - Executive Producer
1961別れて生きるときも - Producer
1961情無用の罠 - Producer
1961暗黒街の弾痕 - Executive Producer
1960ガス人間第一号 - Executive Producer
1960独立愚連隊西へ - Executive Producer
1960Ahmaklar Barış İçinde Uyuyor - Producer
1960男対男 - Executive Producer
1960ハワイ・ミッドウェイ大海空戦 太平洋の嵐 - Producer
1960電送人間 - Producer
1960暗黒街の対決 - Executive Producer
1959宇宙大戦争 - Producer
1959日本誕生 - Producer
1959独立愚連隊 - Executive Producer
1959Gigantis, the Fire Monster - Producer
1959或る剣豪の生涯 - Producer
1959孫悟空 - Executive Producer
1959コタンの口笛 - Executive Producer
1959暗黒街の顔役 - Executive Producer
1958Half Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman - Producer
1958眠狂四郎無頼控 魔剣地獄 - Producer
1958大怪獣バラン - Producer
1958美女と液体人間 - Producer
1958杏っ子 - Producer
1958無法松の一生 - Producer
1957地球防衛軍 - Producer
1957Tokyo 1960 - Producer
1957Tokyo 1960 - Story
1957Rodan! The Flying Monster! - Associate Producer
1957どん底 - Producer
1957あらくれ - Producer
1957柳生武芸帳 - Producer
1957眠狂四郎無頼控 第二話 円月殺法 - Producer
1957Godzilla, le Monstre de L'Océan Pacifique - Producer
1957Godzilla, le Monstre de L'Océan Pacifique - Story
1957嵐の中の男 - Producer
1956眠狂四郎無頼控 - Producer
1956空の大怪獸 ラドン - Producer
1956裸足の青春 - Producer
1956白夫人の妖恋 - Executive Producer
1956Godzilla, King of the Monsters! - Producer
1956Godzilla, King of the Monsters! - Story
1956ならず者 - Producer
1956黒帯三国志 - Producer
1956乱菊物語 - Executive Producer
1955朝霧 - Producer
1955あすなろ物語 - Producer
1955姿なき目撃者 - Producer
1955獣人雪男 - Producer
1955おえんさん - Executive Producer
195533号車應答なし - Producer
1955Gojira Canavarı - Producer
1955麦笛 - Producer
1955恋化粧 - Executive Producer
1954Godzilla - Producer
1954Godzilla - Story
1954君死に給うことなかれ - Producer
1954潮騒 - Producer
1954伊津子とその母 - Producer
1954さらばラバウル - Producer
1953赤線基地 - Producer
1953天晴れ一番手柄 青春銭形平次 - Producer
1953続思春期 - Producer
1953母と娘 - Producer
1953安五郎出世 - Producer
1953抱擁 - Producer
1953吹けよ春風 - Producer
1952港へ来た男 - Producer
1952激流 - Producer
1952思春期 - Producer
1952上海の女 - Producer
1952戦国無頼 - Producer
1952霧笛 - Producer
1951赤道祭 - Producer
1951平安群盗傳 袴だれ保輔 - Producer
1951誰が私を裁くのか - Producer
1951熱砂の白蘭 - Producer
1951愛と憎しみの彼方へ - Producer
1950白い野獣 - Producer
1950怒りの街 - Executive Producer
1950怒りの街 - Producer
1950熱泥地 - Producer
1950魔の黄金 - Producer
1950暁の脱走 - Producer
1949ジャコ萬と鉄 - Producer
1949斬られの仙太 - Producer
1949地獄の貴婦人 - Producer
1947銀嶺の果て - Producer
1947地下街二十四時間 - Producer
1947四つの恋の物語 - Producer
1946十一人の女学生 - Producer
1946命ある限り - Producer
1946明日を創る人々 - Executive Producer
1946陽気な女 - Producer
1945北の三人 - Executive Producer
1945日本剣豪伝 - Producer


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