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A. E. Jeakins - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Ayrıca şöyle bilinir A.E. Jeakins
Adrian Jeakins
Adrian E. Jeakins


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Diğer Roller

1974Wsp - Camera Operator
1971Mr. Horatio Knibbles - Director of Photography
1964And Gladly He Would Learn - Camera Operator
1959Coupes des Alpes: The Story of the 1958 Alpine Rally - Director of Photography
1958The Immortal Land - Director of Photography
1954Harmony Lane - Director of Photography
1953The Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci - Camera Operator
1945French Town... - Director of Photography
1945Your Children's Teeth - Director of Photography
1944Soldier, Sailor - Director of Photography
1944Atlantic Trawler - Cinematography
1943Words and Actions - Cinematography
1942Newspaper Train - Cinematography
1941When the Pie Was Opened - Director of Photography
1940Choose Cheese - Cinematography
1940They Also Serve - Cinematography
1940What's For Dinner - Cinematography
1938Advance Democracy! - Director of Photography
1937Eastern Valley - Cinematography
1937Children at School - Director of Photography
1934Air Post - Director of Photography
1933Cable Ship - Director of Photography
1933Spring on the Farm - Director of Photography


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