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Robin Bain - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri United States
Doğum günü 1980-02-12
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Robin Bain wrote, directed and produced the independent film, Girl Lost (film), which speaks on the harsh realities of sex trafficking in the United States. Girl Lost was released on Amazon Prime Video in May 2018. Bain released a second Girl Lost film as a writer, director, producer and editor entitled Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story. The film is part of Bain's continued effort to bring awareness to the pitfalls of the sex industry in Los Angeles. Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story was released on Amazon Prime Video on December 1, 2020 by Breaking Glass Pictures.


2018Girl Lost as Kim
2016EuroClub as Tiffany
20133 Geezers! as Kari
2013The Brides of Sodom as Sandy
2012Beyond the Trophy as Patti
2011Hollywood Sex Wars as Julie Cantalopez
2009Dear Consumer (Robot Chicken's Full-Assed Christmas Special) as Mother / Snowflake Woman / Little Girl (voice)
Without You I'm Nothing

Diğer Roller

2023Girls on Film - Director
2023Girls on Film - Director of Photography
2023Girls on Film - Editor
2023Girls on Film - Producer
2023Girls on Film - Writer
2020The Last Exorcist - Director
2020The Last Exorcist - Screenplay
2020Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story - Director
2020Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story - Editor
2020Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story - Producer
2020Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story - Writer
2018Girl Lost - Director
2018Girl Lost - Producer
2018Girl Lost - Writer
2013Pop Star - Writer
2007Politics of the Heart - Director of Photography
2006The End of Second Class - Director of Photography
Without You I'm Nothing - Director
Without You I'm Nothing - Producer
Without You I'm Nothing - Writer


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