Message: | Creating default object from empty value |
File: | /home/romarekl/public_html/ |
Line: | 380 |
Doğum günü | 1941-07-29 |
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir | Jan Kudela J. Kudela |
2023 | Kouzelný kopec as Self |
1983 | Neúplné zatmění |
1981 | Jen si tak trochu písknout |
1974 | V každém pokoji žena |
2019 | Léto s gentlemanem - Executive Producer |
2000 | Sokoliar Tomáš - Co-Producer |
1993 | Stalingrad - Still Photographer |
1989 | The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Still Photographer |
1988 | Devět kruhů pekla - Still Photographer |
1988 | Nejistá sezóna - Still Photographer |
1987 | Veselé Vánoce přejí chobotnice - Still Photographer |
1987 | Chobotnice z II. patra - Still Photographer |
1987 | Velká filmová loupež - Still Photographer |
1985 | Barrandovské nokturno aneb Jak film tančil a zpíval - Still Photographer |
1985 | Poločas štěstí - Still Photographer |
1984 | Horký podzim s vůní manga - Still Photographer |
1983 | Neúplné zatmění - Still Photographer |
1982 | Gosti iz galaksije - Still Photographer |
1982 | Opera ve vinici - Still Photographer |
1981 | Kam zmizel kurýr - Still Photographer |
1981 | Jen si tak trochu písknout - Still Photographer |
1980 | V hlavní roli Oldřich Nový - Still Photographer |
1980 | Útěky domů - Still Photographer |
1980 | Causa Králík - Still Photographer |
1979 | Kam nikdo nesmí - Still Photographer |
1979 | Kulový blesk - Still Photographer |
1979 | Mladý muž a bílá velryba - Still Photographer |
1979 | Trasa - Still Photographer |
1978 | Past na kachnu - Still Photographer |
1978 | Adéla ještě nevečeřela - Still Photographer |
1977 | Talíře nad Velkým Malíkovem - Still Photographer |
1977 | Ať žijí duchové! - Still Photographer |
1976 | „Marečku, podejte mi pero!“ - Still Photographer |
1976 | Cirkus v cirkuse - Still Photographer |
1975 | Sarajevski atentat - Still Photographer |
1974 | V každém pokoji žena - Still Photographer |
1974 | Jáchyme, hoď ho do stroje! - Still Photographer |
1974 | Milenci v roce jedna - Still Photographer |
1973 | Tři chlapi na cestách - Still Photographer |
1973 | Maturita za školou - Still Photographer |
1973 | Slečna Golem - Still Photographer |
1972 | 6 medvědů s Cibulkou - Still Photographer |
1972 | ...a pozdravuji vlaštovky - Still Photographer |
1972 | Slaměný klobouk - Still Photographer |
1970 | Valerie a týden divů - Still Photographer |
1970 | „Čtyři vraždy stačí, drahoušku“ - Still Photographer |
1970 | Adelheid - Still Photographer |
1969 | Žert - Still Photographer |
1968 | Údolí včel - Still Photographer |