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1993 | Domovníkov syn - Camera Operator |
1993 | Mladé letá - Camera Operator |
1992 | Pavilón číslo 6 - Camera Operator |
1992 | Stratený list - Director of Photography |
1991 | Mastný hrniec - Director of Photography |
1990 | Keď báčik z Chochoľova umrie - Camera Department Manager |
1990 | Celý deň obchádzam panelák - Camera Operator |
1990 | Tajomstvá pod viečkami - Director of Photography |
1989 | Obrana Sokratova - Camera Operator |
1989 | Rentabilita - Camera Operator |
1989 | Tak sa na mňa prilepila - Camera Operator |
1989 | Tanec nad plačom - Director of Photography |
1989 | Zlodarov les - Director of Photography |
1988 | Recesia - Camera Operator |
1988 | Dva tucty červených ruží - Director |
1988 | O láske a slávikoch - Director of Photography |
1987 | Koník z ebenu - Director of Photography |
1987 | Zostane to v rodine - Camera Department Manager |
1987 | Diera v hlave - Director of Photography |
1987 | Sudca vo vlastnej pasci - Director of Photography |
1987 | Zásnuby - Director of Photography |
1987 | Ženský zákon - Director of Photography |
1986 | Polepetko - Camera Operator |
1986 | Kto zaplatí nohavice - Director of Photography |
1986 | Ľudmilka - Director of Photography |
1985 | Ako sa husár učiteľom stal - Director of Photography |
1985 | Borgis - Director of Photography |
1985 | Mladší brat - Director of Photography |
1985 | Návšteva v nedeľu popoludní - Director of Photography |
1985 | Pred sviatkami - Director of Photography |
1985 | Pro forma... - Director of Photography |
1985 | Takmer božský omyl - Director of Photography |
1985 | Zlatná krajina - Director of Photography |
1984 | Dom pod morušou - Director of Photography |
1984 | Kura - Director of Photography |
1984 | Loktibrada - Director of Photography |
1984 | Majka - Director of Photography |
1984 | Mariša - Director of Photography |
1984 | Múdra princezná - Director of Photography |
1984 | Oko za oko - Director of Photography |
1984 | Plná náruč vzduchu - Director of Photography |
1983 | Staromódna komédia - Director of Photography |
1983 | Krkavci - Director of Photography |
1983 | ...a vrátil sa im pokojný spánok - Director of Photography |
1983 | A počúvaj brata... - Director of Photography |
1983 | Chrobák v hlave - Director of Photography |
1983 | Deravé vrecko - Director of Photography |
1983 | Husiarka a kráľ - Director of Photography |
1983 | Návraty - Director of Photography |
1983 | Radosť žiť - Director of Photography |
1983 | Saša - Director of Photography |
1983 | Sólo pre Cantus firmus - Director of Photography |
1983 | Tereza - Director of Photography |
1983 | Učiteľka - Director of Photography |
1983 | Šanca - Director of Photography |
1982 | Ako sa neoženiť - Director of Photography |
1982 | Bite sa, pán Jedlinský! - Director of Photography |
1982 | Detvanček a Hopsasa - Director of Photography |
1982 | Hrnčiarsky bál - Director of Photography |
1982 | Plač pre syna - Director of Photography |
1982 | Trojklanný nerv - Director of Photography |
1982 | Týždeň naopak - Director of Photography |
1982 | Veď sme chlapi! - Director of Photography |
1982 | Zločin a pokánie - Director of Photography |
1982 | Špiónka v galérii - Director of Photography |
1982 | „Omladnutie“ - Director of Photography |
1981 | Čisté vody - Director of Photography |
1981 | Dievča do dažďa - Director of Photography |
1981 | Emília Galottiová - Director of Photography |
1981 | Fatamorgána - Director of Photography |
1981 | Maškaráda - Director of Photography |
1981 | Nie je všedný deň - Director of Photography |
1981 | Nikto mi to nevyhovorí - Director of Photography |
1981 | Pasodoble pre infarkt - Director of Photography |
1981 | Ruleta - Director of Photography |
1981 | Sojka - Director of Photography |
1981 | Sokoliarova dcéra - Director of Photography |
1981 | Victoria v podjeseň - Director of Photography |
1981 | Zaujímaví muži - Director of Photography |
1981 | Škola žien - Director of Photography |
1981 | Ťažká profesia - Director of Photography |
1980 | Vojvodkyňa z Amalfi - Director of Photography |
1980 | Druhovia - Director of Photography |
1980 | Baranček rovno z rozprávky - Director of Photography |
1980 | Generálka - Director of Photography |
1980 | Horacius - Director of Photography |
1980 | Hra bez lásky - Director of Photography |
1980 | Neveľká komédia - Director of Photography |
1980 | Podobizeň prvej lásky - Director of Photography |
1980 | Prvé lásky - Director of Photography |
1980 | Sivá hmla - Director of Photography |
1980 | Vojak a bratove slzy - Director of Photography |
1979 | Drevená figúrka - Director of Photography |
1979 | Jubilejné spomienky - Director of Photography |
1979 | Mandarínka a Sokrates - Director of Photography |
1979 | Mandragora - Director of Photography |
1979 | Manželčatá - Director of Photography |
1979 | Moment kritického zaťaženia - Director of Photography |
1979 | Sto hodín do zatmenia - Director of Photography |
1979 | Už je tu jeseň - Director of Photography |
1979 | Zlodej známok - Director of Photography |
1979 | Záhradníkov pes - Director of Photography |
1978 | Zhŕňajova nevesta - Director of Photography |
1978 | Ako sa Štrbania s Važťanmi o bujaka Šándora pasovali - Director of Photography |
1978 | Zlatý dážď - Director of Photography |
1978 | Duša spoločnosti - Director of Photography |
1978 | Einsteinov úsmev - Director of Photography |
1978 | Ežo Vlkolinský - Director of Photography |
1978 | Gábor Vlkolinský - Director of Photography |
1978 | Iní, ako ty a ja - Director of Photography |
1978 | O nosatom kuchárovi a nohatom drotárovi - Director of Photography |
1978 | Pomarančová rozprávka - Director of Photography |
1978 | Sladké bezvládie - Director of Photography |
1978 | Vysoká cena - Director of Photography |
1977 | Šediny doktora Ondáka - Director of Photography |
1977 | Nohavice - Director of Photography |
1977 | Orol a lastovička - Director of Photography |
1977 | Druhá láska - Director of Photography |
1977 | Odsúdenie Paganiniho - Director of Photography |
1977 | Hlas toho tretieho - Director of Photography |
1977 | Škola klebiet - Director of Photography |
1977 | Poslední parlamentári - Director of Photography |
1977 | Skrat - Director of Photography |
1977 | Amok - Director of Photography |
1977 | Veľkomožní páni - Director of Photography |
1977 | Obhajoba sa nekoná - Director of Photography |
1977 | Vzkriesenie Míny - Director of Photography |
1977 | Zlaté klasy - Director of Photography |
1977 | Zlomené putá - Director of Photography |
1976 | Andersonvillský proces - Director of Photography |
1976 | Amerikán - Director of Photography |
1976 | Posledný pohárik - Director of Photography |
1976 | Prvá nadovšetky - Director of Photography |
1976 | Strieborný jaguár - Director of Photography |
1976 | Meridián - Director of Photography |
1976 | Demižón - Director of Photography |
1976 | Karambol - Director of Photography |
1976 | Koža - Director of Photography |
1976 | Krásna neznáma - Director of Photography |
1976 | Serenáda pre Martinu - Director of Photography |
1976 | Suttonský duch - Director of Photography |
1976 | Čas dohviezdny - čas ľúbezný - Director of Photography |
1975 | Takmer dokonalý muž - Director of Photography |
1975 | Veľká poľovačka - Director of Photography |
1975 | Od Silvestra do Troch kráľov - Director of Photography |
1975 | Alizuna - Director of Photography |
1975 | Mozoľovci - Director of Photography |
1975 | Náušnice - Director of Photography |
1975 | Prerušujem pojednávanie - Director of Photography |
1975 | Simultánka s Aľochinom - Director of Photography |
1975 | Zlatá priadka - Director of Photography |
1974 | Lucrezia Borgia - Director of Photography |
1974 | Nový systém - Director of Photography |
1974 | Džbán plný ambrózie - Director of Photography |
1974 | Trasovisko - Director of Photography |
1974 | V tieni šedivých lúk - Director of Photography |
1974 | Rosmersholm - Director of Photography |
1974 | Piková dáma - Director of Photography |
1974 | Túžba letného poludnia - Camera Operator |
1974 | Cid - Director of Photography |
1974 | Figliar Sťopka - Director of Photography |
1974 | Oslava - Director of Photography |
1974 | Posledná šanca - Director of Photography |
1974 | Smrť v kufri - Director of Photography |
1974 | Sťopka a Šidielko - Director of Photography |
1974 | Viktória Régia - Director of Photography |
1973 | Dynamit - Director of Photography |
1973 | Víťazný pád - Director of Photography |
1973 | Za frontom - Director of Photography |
1973 | Nový život - Director of Photography |
1973 | Noc v krčme „U veľkého diviaka“ - Director of Photography |
1973 | Andrea - Director of Photography |
1973 | Monna Vanna - Director of Photography |
1973 | Návšteva - Director of Photography |
1973 | Timon Aténsky - Director of Photography |
1973 | Vymenená princezná - Director of Photography |
1972 | Mamselle Nitouche - Director of Photography |
1972 | Divá kačka - Director of Photography |
1972 | Rodinná slávnosť - Director of Photography |
1972 | Kým kohút nezaspieva - Director of Photography |
1972 | Prelietavka - Director of Photography |
1972 | Orchester - Director of Photography |
1972 | Play mam'zelle Nitouche - Director of Photography |
1972 | Tichá kaviareň - Director of Photography |
1971 | Žiarlivé ženy - Director of Photography |
1971 | Hájnikova žena - Director of Photography |
1971 | Dvaja - Camera Operator |
1971 | Jubileum - Director of Photography |
1971 | Kráľ sa zabáva - Director of Photography |
1971 | Zlodeji - Director of Photography |
1971 | Čarodejný nápoj - Camera Operator |
1971 | Klinko a Kompit kráľ - Director of Photography |
1971 | Rozsudok - Director of Photography |
1970 | Vassa Železnovová - Director of Photography |
1970 | Bývalí ľudia - Director of Photography |
1970 | Inferno - Camera Operator |
1970 | Kamenná bolesť - Director of Photography |
1970 | 2×1 - Director of Photography |
1970 | Svadba - Director of Photography |
1969 | Volpone - Director of Photography |
1968 | Pomsta starej dámy alebo Na každého raz dôjde - Assistant Camera |
1968 | Koniec a začiatok - Camera Operator |
1968 | Matka - Camera Operator |
1968 | Mária Tudorová - Camera Operator |
1967 | Hernani - Camera Operator |
1965 | Kubo - Assistant Camera |
1964 | Smoliarka - Camera Operator |