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Zhou Senguan - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
Doğum günü 1920-01-01
Ölüm 1994-01-01
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 周森冠
Zhou Sen-Guan
Zhou Senguan
Chow San-Kun
Чжоу Сэньгуань
Сэньгуань Чжоу


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Zhou Senguan was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu in 1920. In his early years, he worked as an apprentice in Changzhou Minfeng Spinning Mill. In the early years of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he successively served in the National Government Military Committee's wartime cadre training corps and the National Government Military Committee's civilian inspection and guidance corps. In the early 1940s, he first worked as an actor in the Zhejiang Provincial Theater Company, then in the Taxation Office of the Ministry of Finance of the National Government, and also served as the tax director. He came to Nanjing in 1947 and served as the chief dispatching officer of Capital Automobile Company. In 1949, he was re-designated as the head of car service of Beijing Automobile Company. In 1951, he was admitted to the Performing Arts Class of the Performing Arts Institute of the Central Film Bureau (formerly known as the Beijing Film Academy). After graduating in 1954, he was assigned to Beijing Film Studio as an actor. The first film to be filmed was a single peasant in the Shanghai feature film "A Storm", fell in love with Li Fuyu played by Shu Xiuwen, and finally broke through the feudal law. The roles played in the future are almost all supporting roles. There are about 30 movies with famous names, mainly including "Summer Story" Wang Dacheng, "National Day Ten O'clock" Zhang Dali, "Plain Guerrilla" Kangou Old Man, "Honghu Red Guard" Beard Dad, "Storm Storm" Liu Deshan. He died in 1994.


1983包氏父子 as 校工
1978火娃 as 白胡子阿公
1975决裂 as Uncle Zhang
1964浪涛滚滚 as 吕部长
1964小二黑结婚 as 酒店掌柜
1963早春二月 as 阿荣
1963小兵张嘎 as 杨大伯
1961暴风骤雨 as 刘德山
1960水上春秋 as Janitor
1960无名岛 as Uncle Cai
1959林家鋪子 as Laoqi Chen
1959飞越天险 as Old technician
1958民兵的儿子 as Spring Father
1956上甘岭 as 朝鲜人民军李师团长
1956国庆十点钟 as Zhang Da-Li
1955一场风波 as Liangchen Ceng
1955平原游击队 as 看沟老汉
1955夏天的故事 as 王大成


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