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David Josh Lawrence - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

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David Josh Lawrence is an actor and writer, known for Trauma Therapy (2019), Soul Hunters (2019) and Hero of the Underworld (2016).


2024Darkness of Man as Sasha
2024The Black Mass as Neil
2023The Vance Institute as John
2023Trauma Therapy: Psychosis as John
2022Turbo Cola as Reporter (voice)
2019Trauma Therapy as John
2019Soul Hunters as Eli
2014Air Disturbance as Stuart
2012Beyond the Trophy as Chet

Diğer Roller

2024The Workout - Writer
2024What We Find on the Road - Executive Producer
2023The Vance Institute - Producer
2023The Vance Institute - Writer
2023Trauma Therapy: Psychosis - Writer
2019Trauma Therapy - Writer
The Sheriff - Executive Producer


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