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Sara Ferro - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

6 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Milan, Italy
Doğum günü 1977-05-11
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Sara Wundersaar Ferro


Verdiğin oy:
Toplam: ( 0 skorlar)

Graduation: MA in Sociology of Media Vision: Both in making award-winning feature documentary films and experimental projects/video art she tackles the austerity of the Traditional Studies - e.g. how the esoteric "arts" and "sciences" call their concerns with all the related paraphernalia and conceptual apparatuses -, making them light like vibrating swooshes. Focus: Although academically a social scientist, she has become more and more attracted to cinematics far away from reality and to perennial philosophy up to the point that she bohemianlly lives only for the sake of those arts. Founder: Artoldo Media / Artoldo Pictures

Diğer Roller

2022Black Sudo Rising - Director
2022Prampolini-Menarini Express - Director
2022The Luther Blissett Legacy - Director
2022Dio No No War - Director
2021Plant X - Director
2021VE®NICE69 - Director
2021Play Rec: For Film - Director
2021Night Terror - Director
2021Hauntology of the Retrodromomania - Director
2021PegaSOMOSh - Director
2021Frammenti di una Festa Furiosa - Director
2021Taxidrome - Director
2021Glitching Offshore - Director
2020Mascara Cartridge Déjà War - Director
2020Sfarfallii liberali 360° - Director
2020Synecdoche Turin - Director
2020H(o)me(o)pa®t(h)y - Director
2020Queen of the Luna Parking - Director
2020AT MOre SPHERES - Director
2020Temporally - Director
2020Speed - Director
2020Vespertilio Spillover - Director
2020Timor Panicus - Director
2019MicroGnosing - Director
2019Super Vario Birds - Director
2019WhimSeaCall - Nocturnal Sea - Director
2018CarOuzel - Director
2018Super Sauber - Director
2018Paleo Impulse - Director
2017Ugo Dossi - Kunst und Weltraum - Director
2017The Ritman Library: Amsterdam - Director


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