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Mahmoud Abdel Aziz - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Alexandria, Egypt
Doğum günü 1946-06-04
Ölüm 2016-11-12
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir محمود عبد العزيز
محمود عبدالعزيز
Mahmoud Abdelaziz
محمود عبدالعزيز محمود محمد محمود


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Mahmoud Abdel Aziz was born in Alexandria, Egypt to a middle class family. He studied Agricultural Sciences and during his college days he practiced acting through the university theatre. He started his acting career by taking a role in "Al Dawama" TV show in the mid 70s with Nelly and Mahmoud Yassin after which he entered the cinema world for the first time through "Al Hafeed" an all time Egyptian film classic. Mahmoud Abdel Aziz starred in over 25 movies during the late 70s and early 80s while his popularity was increasing dramatically, most of his movies at the time were categorized as romantic drama. His acting path has matured when he started taking different roles which really exposed his talent. He was known to be equally adept at comedy and drama. The 1980s marked Mahmoud Abdel Aziz as a superstar when he starred in very successful movies like "El Aar", "El Keef" and "Rafat El Haggan" TV Series which is one of the most popular works of Egyptian television based on the true story of the renowned Egyptian spy who was planted in Israel for over 20 years before the 6 days war. Mahmoud Abdel Aziz has starred in over 100 movies and he can still surprise his audience with great work such as Bab El Khalk (2012) TV Series after 7 years of absence from the Egyptian TV. He has two children Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Aziz a film producer and director; and Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz.


2019رحلة الساحر as himself
2009النشوة في نوفمبر
2009إبراهيم الأبيض as Abdel Malik Zarzor
2008ليلة البيبي دول
2002الرحلة مشبوهة as Salah
2001الساحر as Mansour Bahgat
2000سوق المتعة
2000النمس as سعيد النمس
1998هارمونيكا as Shahin
1997القبطان as Mansour el Dahshouri
1995البحر بيضحك ليه as Hussain
1994زيارة السيد الرئيس as على الله رئيس المجلس
1993ثلاثه على الطريق
1992دنيا عبدالجبار
1992فخ الجواسيس as محيي
1991الكيت كات as Sheikh Hosny
1991قانون إيكا as Hussein Morsi
1991ابو كرتونة
1990سيداتى انساتى as Mahmoud Abd Albadeea
1989الدنيا على جناح يمامة as Redha Rushdy
1989يا عزيزي كلنا لصوص as Mortada Al Salamouni
1988سمك لبن تمر هندي as أحمد سبانخ
1988نهر الخوف as عبدالرحمن كامل علي
1987جري الوحوش as عبدالقوي شديد
1987خليل بعد التعديل as Khalil Ibrahim Abu Nafisa
1987السادة الرجال as Ahmed Abdel Aal
1987أبناء وقتلة as Sheikhoun - Suleiman Al-Minyawi
1987الرجل يحب مرتين as شريف
1987سكة الندامة
1986الحدق يفهم as جابر / مولان
1986البريء as Tawfiq Shrks
1986الجوع as فرج الجبالي
1985الطوفان as أبو الفتوح
1985المجنونة as سيف الحديدي
1985الكيف as Jamal Abu El-Azem
1985عفوا ايها القانون as د. علي عبد القوي
1985إعدام ميت as منصور مساعد الطوبى/عز الدين
1985الشقة من حق الزوجة as سمير
1984ولكن شيئا ما يبقى as عزيز محمد مطر
1984Please Give Me This Medicine as Refaat
1984لك يوم يابيه as ممدوح
1984تزوير في اوراق رسمية
1984فقراء لا يدخلون الجنة as Ahmad
1984بناتنا في الخارج as د. شريف سامح
1984بيت القاصرات
1983السادة المرتشون as Fathy
1983درب الهوى as Saleh
1983نص أرنب as Youssef
1983مملكة الهلوسة as كامل
1983العذراء والشعر الأبيض
1983العذراء والشعر الابيض as Medhat
1982العار as د. عادل
1982إعدام طالب ثانوي as طارق فتحي - وكيل النيابة
1982المعتوه as أحمد رشدي
1982وكالة البلح as Abdoun
1982الخبز المر as سالم
1981وداعا للعذاب as Salah
1980x علامة معناها الخطأ as رمزي
1980البنات عايزة إيه as Kamal كمال
1980حب لا يرى الشمس
1980الأبالسة as جلال الموجي
1980الدرب الأحمر
1979ولا يزال التحقيق مستمرا as Medhat
1979أقوى من الأيام
1979المتوحشة as Ashraf
1979عشاق تحت العشرين as Adel
1978قلوب في بحر الدموع as حسام وجدي
1978شفيقة ومتولي as دياب
1978حساب السنين as عماد متولى حسين
1978شباب يرقص فوق النار as Alaa
1978امرأة بلا قلب
1978وادي الذكريات as Walid
1978امرأة في دمي
1978عيب يا لولو .. يا لولو عيب as Salama Abdel Hamid
1978ضاع العمر يا ولدي as Samir
1978شيطان الجزيرة
1977مع حبي وأشواقي as Hamdy
1977ابنتي والذئب
1977خطايا الحب
1977طائر الليل الحزين as Adel Azzam
1977كفاني يا قلب as (أمين ضابط البوليس
1977البنت الحلوة الكدابة as عادل
1976وجها لوجه as Refaat
1976الحب على شاطئ ميامي
1975حتى آخر العمر as Ahmed Abdel Majeed
1975يوم الأحد الدامي
1975الحفيد as Galal
1974غابة من السيقان as Ayman


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