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Mikaela Bellamy - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Texas
Doğum günü 2001-02-21


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An independent filmmaker/artist/musician from Texas who created the film label Shot On Video Films at the age of 13 as an outlet for making films, mostly of the splatter and comedy variety.


2023Lip Balm
2023The Pill as Nature Girl
2022Twitz from Pluto: Graff, Jackass and TV Casualty as Hugh Jainus, FBI Agents
2018Halloween Horror as Killer / Victim 1 / Victim 2 / Druggie
2018The Tape of Karma as Marvin / Doug / Mick / Connor / Satan / Furball (Voice)
2014A Crazy Country Christmas

Diğer Roller

2024The Park - Assistant Director
2023Lip Balm - Director
2023Lip Balm - Editor
2023Lip Balm - Music
2023The Pill - Special Effects
2022Twitz from Pluto: Graff, Jackass and TV Casualty - Director
2022Twitz from Pluto: Graff, Jackass and TV Casualty - Editor
2022Twitz from Pluto: Graff, Jackass and TV Casualty - Fight Choreographer
2022Twitz from Pluto: Graff, Jackass and TV Casualty - Producer
2022Twitz from Pluto: Graff, Jackass and TV Casualty - Sound Mixer
2022Twitz from Pluto: Graff, Jackass and TV Casualty - Special Effects
2022Twitz from Pluto: Graff, Jackass and TV Casualty - Writer
2021Symbolicus Vol. 2 - Director
2021I Was A Teenage Gorehound - Director
2021Videovore - Camera Operator
2021Videovore - Director
2021Videovore - Editor
2021Videovore - Sound
2021Videovore - Special Effects
2021Videovore - Writer
2020The Ultimate Underground Amateur Slaughterfest of Death - Director
2020The Ultimate Underground Amateur Slaughterfest of Death - Editor
2018Halloween Horror - Director
2018Halloween Horror - Editor
2018Halloween Horror - Special Effects
2018The Tape of Karma - Director
2018The Tape of Karma - Editor
2018The Tape of Karma - Special Effects
2014Attack of the Thanksgiving Squash - Director
2014A Crazy Country Christmas - Camera Operator
2014A Crazy Country Christmas - Director
2014A Crazy Country Christmas - Editor
2014A Crazy Country Christmas - Special Effects


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