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Justin Ricafort - profili | Sosyallift©

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Justin Ricafort is a Filipino American writer, filmmaker, and game designer whose work explores assimilation narratives and play. Justin graduated from the University of California, San Diego with a Film/Media major and an Ethnic Studies minor in 2018. In 2019, Justin was selected as part of Visual Communications’ 2020 Armed with a Camera Fellowship as one of ten Asian American filmmakers set to write and direct their own short film projects. Since 2021, he has spent time writing and producing several short films that have traveled to multiple film festivals.

Diğer Roller

2023Queerfully Departed - Editor
2022Sinigang - Producer
2020ETA - Director
2020ETA - Location Manager
2020ETA - Producer
2020ETA - Production Manager
2020ETA - Writer
From Both Ends - Producer
Puberty for Humans - Producer
Self Tape - Producer
From Both Ends - Writer
Self Tape - Writer


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