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Bernie Davis - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Bernie Davies


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Diğer Roller

2023Tenebrae: Bach to MacMillan - Lighting Director
2022National Theatre Live: The Book of Dust — La Belle Sauvage - Lighting Director
2021The Show Must Go On! - Live at the Palace Theatre - Lighting Director
2017National Theatre Live: Follies - Lighting Director
2017National Theatre Live: Angels In America — Part Two: Perestroika - Lighting Director
2017National Theatre Live: Angels In America — Part One: Millennium Approaches - Lighting Director
2017National Theatre Live: Obsession - Lighting Director
2017National Theatre Live: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead - Lighting Director
2017National Theatre Live: Hedda Gabler - Lighting Director
2017National Theatre Live: Saint Joan - Lighting Director
2017National Theatre Live: Amadeus - Lighting Director
2016National Theatre Live: The Threepenny Opera - Lighting Director
2015National Theatre Live: Hamlet - Lighting Director
2015National Theatre Live: Man and Superman - Lighting Director
2015National Theatre Live: The Hard Problem - Lighting Director
2014National Theatre Live: Medea - Lighting Director
2014National Theatre Live: Skylight - Lighting Director
2014National Theatre Live: War Horse - Lighting Director
2013Doctor Who at the Proms - Lighting Director
2013National Theatre Live: The Audience - Lighting Director
2012National Theatre Live: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Lighting Director
2011Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House) - Lighting Director
2010Doctor Who at the Proms - Lighting Director
2009Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres - Doctor Who at the Proms 2008 - Lighting Director
2005Boulez at 80 - Lighting Director


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