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Serge Veber - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Paris, France
Doğum günü 1897-09-02
Ölüm 1976-06-16
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Serge Véber


Verdiğin oy:
Toplam: ( 0 skorlar)

Serge Veber is a writer and librettist of French operetta, born September 2, 1897 and died June 16, 1976. In cinema, he was a faithful collaborator of the director Jean Boyer. Son of Pierre Veber and nephew of Tristan Bernard, Serge Veber is also the brother of Pierre-Gilles Veber and the uncle of Francis Veber1. He is also the cousin of Raymond Bernard and Jean-Jacques Bernard, and the grand-uncle of Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian. (Wikipedia translation)

Diğer Roller

1960Bouche cousue - Dialogue
1958Mon coquin de père - Writer
1957Mademoiselle et son gang - Writer
1957Sénéchal le magnifique - Adaptation
1956Le Couturier de ces dames - Dialogue
1954J'avais sept filles - Writer
1954Cento anni d'amore - Screenplay
1954Une vie de garçon - Writer
1953Cent francs par seconde - Dialogue
1952Coiffeur pour dames - Screenplay
1951Nous irons à Monte Carlo - Dialogue
1949Naughty Arlette - Novel
1949Une femme par jour - Dialogue
1949Une femme par jour - Screenplay
1948Mademoiselle s'amuse - Dialogue
1941Montmartre sur Seine - Screenplay
1936Mayerling - Lyricist
1935Turandot, princesse de Chine - Director
1935Turandot, princesse de Chine - Writer
1934Mon cœur t'appelle - Director
1934Vers l'abîme - Director
1934Un jour viendra - Dialogue
1934Un jour viendra - Director
1933Cette vieille canaille - Writer
1932Une jeune fille et un million - Dialogue
1932Cœur de lilas - Writer


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